+7 800 775 77 55

More than 15 leading factories

have entrusted us with representing their products in Russia

BaitekMachinery Company

One of the leading organizations in the sale of unique special equipment and trucks.

On the Russian market of special equipment, we represent the interests of the most influential, proven manufacturers. Including we are in contact with more than 40 companies for the production of road-communal, agricultural and special equipment.

The main task of the company is to provide high-quality and maximum comprehensive services, which is associated with the purchase of special equipment.

Clients trust us! And we reciprocate!



Our service is your quality guarantee

Baitek Machinery is not only selling machinery. We try to maintain a warm and friendly relationship with our clients, providing them with everything they need. This is why our company has a Service department.

Service engineers of Baitek Machinery regularly undergo training at the machinery manufacturer. In addition to our specialists, we provide knowledge to our dealers, constantly prepare new training programs for them and conduct briefings in specialized services. Engineers thoroughly know the equipment, so the service will be performed efficiently and quickly.

The company also has a mobile service department, special vehicles equipped with professional equipment and tools for the maintenance and repair of your equipment in any conditions.


Baitek Leasing - special equipment on special conditions

We understand your business. Therefore, our financial decisions are flexible and well thought out. We organize financing for the purchase of equipment individually for your company.

Leasing on attractive terms:

• Leasing term from 12 to 60 months.
• Preliminary calculation of leasing within 1 hour.
• Seasonal payment schedule. Flexible schedules for the needs of your Business.
• We will sign the contract within 2 days (from the date of submission of documents).
• Leasing territory – all of Russia, including Crimea, North Caucasus and Chukotka.

The supplier and the lessor in one person is very convenient.


Our experience for your growth

The Baitek Machinery group of companies specializes in supplies for commercial and state-owned companies under Federal Laws 44 and 223. We help customers with the preparation of tender documents, monitor producer prices, provide a commercial offer and calculate lease payments. We prepare the documentation so that the customer receives exactly the equipment he wants.

Today more than 900 customers in Russia use the equipment supplied by us.